WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging platform owned by Meta, is reportedly testing a new feature that will add an extra layer of security for locked chats. The upcoming feature will allow users to choose a custom password for their protected chat folder, according to WhatsApp features tracker WABetaInfo. This would provide users with more control over their sensitive conversations and allow them to access their locked chats by entering the secret code from the search bar of the app.
The secret code feature has been spotted in WhatsApp for Android beta v2.23.21.9, which is currently available for testing through the Google Play Beta program. This new functionality will reportedly enable users to lock chats from companion devices as well. The feature will be rolled out in a future update of the app.
A preview of the secret code creation feature has been shared by WABetaInfo, giving users a glimpse of what to expect. WhatsApp suggests using a word or a simple emoji for quick access. Users will also be able to change or remove the secret code at any time, providing flexibility and convenience.
This new feature builds upon the Chat Lock functionality that WhatsApp introduced earlier this year. The Chat Lock feature allows users to lock specific chats using their fingerprint, face unlock, or passcode. Locked chat threads are moved to a separate folder to ensure the privacy of conversations. Notifications from these chats do not display the sender’s name or message preview.
The addition of the secret code feature will further enhance the security of locked chats, giving WhatsApp users even more peace of mind while communicating sensitive information. By being able to choose a custom password, users can create a unique and memorable code that is easy for them to remember but difficult for others to guess.
WhatsApp continues to prioritize user privacy and security, constantly working on new features and enhancements to protect sensitive data. With the secret code feature in development, WhatsApp users can look forward to having more control and options when it comes to securing their conversations. The exact release date of the feature is yet to be announced but is expected to be included in a future update for Android users.
1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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