Shane Chen, the inventor of the popular self-balancing ‘hoverboard,’ has revealed his plans for a new two-wheeled electric vehicle (EV) called the Shane. Chen, known for his much-copied Hovertrax hoverboard, has incorporated the same self-balancing technology into the design of the Shane.
The Shane will feature two large wheels and a streamlined five-seat passenger compartment positioned between them. The compartment will automatically adjust its position relative to the wheels to maintain stability and horizontal level, particularly during braking and acceleration. This will be achieved through a sliding mechanism that moves the center of gravity.
Unlike traditional cars with four wheels, the Shane will utilize a simple differential speed control for steering. Additionally, the vehicle will be equipped with in-wheel regenerative shock absorbers that help charge the battery when compressing and rebounding.
Chen claims that the Shane will be easier to maneuver, especially during parking, and will have lower rolling resistance and improved energy efficiency compared to four-wheeled cars. He is currently seeking industry partners interested in bringing his concept to life and turning it into a production automobile.
According to Chen, two-wheeled cars have not been practical or stable enough for everyday driving until now. He expressed his excitement in creating a car concept with two wheels that can reach high speeds and be energy efficient. Chen believes that the Shane will make a significant impact on mobility.
In addition to the Hovertrax, Chen has successfully brought other inventions to production, including the Solowheel, Lunicycle, Hydroglide, and various others.
To see the animated action of the Shane, check out the video below. Despite skepticism, Chen’s track record of successful inventions lends credibility to his latest endeavor.
- Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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