Scientists from Friedrich Schiller University Jena and Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany have made a breakthrough in the development of nanomaterials. Their study, published in ACS Nano, details the use of a unique bottom-up approach in creating nanostructures with various applications in technology.
The team focused on understanding and controlling the process of building nanostructures. Traditionally, nanomaterials are created by grinding down larger particles or by building them up from smaller components. The researchers used individual silicon dioxide particles, known as silica, and polymer molecules in the form of chain-like shells. These shells were made of a material called poly-(isopropyl-oxazoline), which crystallizes when heated.
The key to their success lies in the anisotropic growth of crystals. Unlike traditional methods where crystals grow in multiple directions, the scientists found that crystals prefer a particular direction during their growth. By exploiting this anisotropy, they were able to deliberately grow nanostructures with specific shapes. The resulting structures resembled worm-like rods with spherical nanoparticles embedded within them. In their experiments, silica was used as the nanoparticles, but conductive nanoparticles or semiconductors can also be utilized.
The potential applications of these nanostructures are wide-ranging, including information processing and catalysis. The ability to selectively distribute various nanoparticles within the nanocrystals offers further versatility in utilizing these materials for different purposes.
One intriguing discovery during the research was the role of tiny amounts of polymer that are not bound to the particle surface but are freely present in the reaction solution. These small amounts act as a glue for the crystallization process. Although barely detectable, they play a vital role in the successful formation of the nanostructures.
The collaboration between Prof. Felix Schacher from Friedrich Schiller University Jena and Prof. Michael Engel from Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg was crucial in achieving these results. Their joint effort was made possible through the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics program at the University of California in Santa Barbara. Computer simulations were used to understand the complex molecular processes underlying the formation of the nanostructures.
The scientists express their excitement about the research and credit the inspiring atmosphere of the workshop for providing the necessary momentum to complete the work. The experiments were conducted within the framework of the collaborative research center TRR 234 ‘CataLight,’ funded by the German Research Foundation.
This groundbreaking study offers a new perspective on creating nanomaterials using a bottom-up approach. The ability to control and shape nanostructures opens up a world of possibilities for innovative technological applications in various fields. As research in nanomaterials continues to advance, the potential for further exciting discoveries and developments remains high.
1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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