Shigella is a type of bacterial infection that can cause diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps. It spreads easily from one person to another. Proper diagnosis is important to treat Shigella infections effectively. Rapid antigen-based tests can help diagnose Shigella infections quickly. This article discusses a new Shigella Test Kit that can diagnose Shigella infections within 15 minutes.
The Shigella Test Kit
The Shigella Test Kit is a rapid lateral flow immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection of Shigella antigens from stool samples. The test uses monoclonal antibodies that are specifically directed against Shigella antigens. When the stool sample is placed in the sample well of the test device, the antigens, if present, bind with the colored conjugate particles. The antigen-conjugate complex migrates further on the membrane to the test line region where immobilized monoclonal anti-Shigella antibodies are present. This forms the test line, indicating a positive result for Shigella antigen. A control line always appears, indicating that proper volume of samples has been added and membrane wicking has occurred.
How the Test Works
The test procedure is simple and easy to perform. No special equipment or technical skills are required to use the test. The four major steps in the procedure are:
1. Collect stool sample: A small quantity of stool sample is collected using the collection stick provided with the kit. The sample is then placed in the sample well of the test device.
2. Add buffer: Two drops of buffer is then added to the sample well. This helps in releasing and solubilizing the antigens from the stool sample.
3. Interpret result: The test device is then placed on a flat, leveled surface and the result is interpreted after 15 minutes. Appearance of both test line and control line, even if faint, indicates a positive result for Shigella.
4. Dispose materials: The used test device and collection stick is then discarded as per biohazardous waste disposal guidelines. Proper handwashing should be done after the test.
Benefits of the Test Kit
Some of the key benefits of using this Shigella Test Kit include:
Rapid results: The test provides results within 15 minutes, allowing for prompt diagnosis and treatment. This is much faster than culture-based laboratory testing that can take 2-7 days for results.
Easy to use: No specialized skills or equipment is required to perform the test. Even non-technical users can easily use it to get results.
High sensitivity and specificity: The kit uses monoclonal antibodies that provide reliable detection of Shigella antigens with reported sensitivity and specificity of over 95%.
Cost effective: At an estimated price of $5-7 per test, it offers a low-cost solution compared to laboratory molecular and culture tests.
Portable: Being a simple lateral flow test, the kit is compact and portable, allowing it to be used at point-of-care locations like doctor clinics, emergency rooms etc.
Applications of the Test Kit
Given its advantages, the Shigella Test Kit has applications in several settings:
Travelers’ clinics and doctor’s offices: Useful for diagnosing travelers presenting with acute diarrhea for prompt treatment decisions.
Emergency departments: Can be used at initial assessment of patients visiting ED with diarrhea and vomiting symptoms.
Outbreaks and field epidemiology: Helpful during shigellosis outbreak investigation for large scale community screening.
Developing countries: Fills an important diagnostic gap in resource limited areas where laboratory tests may not be accessible.
Future Scope
While the kit provides a simple solution currently, ongoing research continues to improve diagnostic testing for enteric pathogens. Some potential future directions include:
Multiplex detection: Combining detection of various diarrheal pathogens like Salmonella, E.coli, Campylobacter etc. in a single multiplex test.
Digital readout: Integrating the test with smartphone apps for automated digital result interpretation and connectivity.
Self-testing: Developing self-contained versions for over-the-counter home use without need for specialized skills.
Antibiotic susceptibility: Adding capabilities to determine antibiotic resistance patterns for better treatment choices.
In conclusion, the new Shigella Test Kit offers clinicians and public health practitioners an affordable, easy to use and rapid point-of-care solution for diagnosis of shigellosis. Its applications in various settings help address the global burden of this infectious disease. Continued innovation will further enhance the diagnostic options available for managing enteric infections.
1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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