Gastrointestinal cancers (GCs) are a leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally, accounting for approximately one-third of all cancer deaths. Early detection plays a crucial role in reducing mortality rates associated with GCs, and endoscopic screening has proven to be an effective method for detecting potentially malignant tumors. To make this screening more accessible and cost-effective, scientists have been exploring different imaging techniques.
Spatial frequency domain imaging (SFDI) is one such technique that shows promise in distinguishing between healthy and malignant tissue. SFDI involves projecting a 2D pattern of light onto the target area and analyzing the intensity of the reflected light to gather information about the optical properties of the tissue. This information can reveal the presence of cancerous lesions. However, current SFDI systems are too large to be used in standard endoscopes, limiting their application in GC screening.
In an effort to address this limitation, researchers at the University of Nottingham, Jane Crowley and George Gordon, have developed an innovative SFDI device suited for gastrointestinal endoscopy applications. Their study, published in the Journal of Biomedical Optics, aims to make GC screening more accessible to the general population.
The main challenge in this research was to find a cost-effective and practical method to generate the required light patterns for SFDI.
Existing systems are not suitable for routine endoscopic usage in the gastrointestinal tract because they either use expensive digital micromirror device-based projectors that cannot be miniaturized adequately or fiber bundles that produce low-quality patterns at limited wavelengths and record low-resolution images. Another limitation is the use of rigid endoscopes that lack flexibility, explains Crowley.
To overcome these challenges, the researchers designed an ultra-miniature SFDI system that utilizes a custom-made optic fiber bundle as a projector. The fiber bundle consists of seven optic fibers that can be independently connected to laser sources of different wavelengths. By feeding a single laser of a specific wavelength to two different fibers, the phenomenon of interference can be utilized to project a 2D sinusoidal pattern onto the target tissue. Different fiber pairs can be used to adjust the spatial characteristics of the pattern, and patterns consisting of up to three different wavelengths (such as green, red, and blue) can be projected simultaneously.
The researchers combined this projection method with an ultra-miniature camera measuring just 1 mm x 1 mm, resulting in a prototype SFDI system with a diameter of only 3 mm. Additionally, they developed a custom algorithm that tracks phase deviations in the projected sinusoidal patterns, reducing noise in the captured absorption and scattering profiles.
This innovative SFDI device shows great potential for improving the early diagnosis of gastrointestinal cancers. Its small size and cost-effectiveness make it suitable for routine use in endoscopic screenings, potentially extending the benefits of screening programs to a larger population. With further development and validation, this technology could significantly contribute to reducing mortality rates associated with GCs by enabling early detection and treatment.
1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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