Hyperthermia is a type of cancer treatment that uses heat to damage and kill cancer cells or sensitize them to other treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It works on the principle that raising a person’s body or tumor temperature to around 106 degrees Fahrenheit or higher can kill cancer cells or make them more vulnerable to other treatments without excessive harm to normal cells.
What is Hyperthermia?
Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment uses different techniques to raise the temperature of a specific area of the body or an entire body. It can be done using different methods:
Local Hyperthermia
In local hyperthermia, the heat is applied locally to the tumor site either externally or internally. External local hyperthermia delivers heat through electromagnetic radiation like radiofrequency waves, microwave radiation or hot water. Internal local hyperthermia uses interstitial probes like microwave antennas, hot water or heated thermoseeds that are implanted directly inside the tumor.
Regional Hyperthermia
Regional hyperthermia heats a large part of the body like an entire limb or organ. It is commonly used to treat metastases in tissues like liver, lung or pelvis through external electromagnetic techniques.
Whole Body Hyperthermia
In whole body hyperthermia, the entire body is exposed to elevated temperatures, usually through the use of a special chamber or blanket connected to a heating device.
How does Hyperthermia Work Against Cancer?
Hyperthermia works against cancer through various cell damaging mechanisms:
– Heat shock proteins: Hyperthermia causes cancer cells to produce heat shock proteins which interfere with protein functioning and cell replication inside cancer cells.
– Blood vessels: Heat damages the blood vessels supplying tumors with nutrients and oxygen, cutting off their supply. This is known as vasodilation or increased blood flow.
– Cell membrane: The high heat alters the structure and permeability of the outer cell membrane of cancer cells, causing toxic contents to leak out.
– DNA damage: Heat directly damages the DNA and chromosomes of cancer cells making them defective and unable to replicate.
– Immune response: Mild whole body hyperthermia has been shown to boost the immune response against cancer cells.
Combining Hyperthermia with Other Treatments
Hyperthermia acts synergistically when combined with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The heat:
– Increases blood flow to tumors, improving delivery of chemotherapy drugs
– Improves oxygenation of tissues, enhancing radiation damage to cancer cells
– Directly sensitizes cancer cells to respond more strongly to other therapies
– Overcomes heat-resistant mutations in some cancer types
Several clinical trials have shown combining Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment with chemotherapy or radiation led to significantly improved response rates and overall survival in certain cancers compared to these treatments alone.
Advantages of Hyperthermia
Some key advantages of hyperthermia treatment include:
– Non-invasive or minimally invasive procedure in most cases.
– Spares healthy tissues better than chemotherapy or radiation alone.
– Improves efficacy of other therapies when used together.
– Can treat recurrent and resistant cancers.
– No systemic side effects like many other cancer therapies.
– Relatively low cost compared to new targeted drugs.
– Outpatient procedure done on an ambulatory basis.
Potential Risks and Limitations
While hyperthermia is generally well tolerated, some risks may include:
– Overexposure to heat can damage surrounding normal tissues. Careful temperature monitoring is essential.
– Equipment related risks like burns from probes or electromagnetic interference.
– May cause discomfort, pain, nausea or fatigue during or after treatment.
– Deeper tumors are difficult to heat adequately with current external techniques.
– Limited availability of specialized hyperthermia centers worldwide.
Ongoing Research and Future Potential
Scientists are actively exploring ways to enhance hyperthermia treatment:
– Newer magnetic nanoparticle techniques allow more localized and effective heating of tumors.
– Combining with immunotherapy to boost anti-tumor immune response is being studied.
– Equipment is being refined for accurate real-time temperature monitoring and control.
– Larger clinical trials are evaluating new hyperthermia protocols in combination with standard therapies.
If ongoing research succeeds in overcoming current limitations, hyperthermia could evolve into a mainstream cancer treatment approach either alone or together with other standard therapies. Its non-invasive nature, synergistic effects and ability to treat resistant cancers make it a promising weapon in the fight against cancer.
1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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